Strider Wrestling Blog

A blog for Strider Wrestling, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization supporting amateur wrestling and operating youth wrestling clubs in the Chicago area.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005


Week 2 of Strider Wrestling

The second week of training has started well. Fourteen young wrestlers came to Lawndale eager to learn last night. After announcements at two local churches this coming Sunday, I expect our numbers to grow even more. Last night, we focused on two main techniques. First, we worked on our attack step. Driving the knee over the foot and onto the mat in order to arrive at the "power triangle" position is an awkward motion if you have never done it before, but it is absolutely fundamental to a good attack step. Following that, we again practiced double leg takedowns, focusing on using what we had learned about the attack step earlier in the practice. I explained the importance of a good attack step and the "power triangle" position, and then watched the wrestlers put it to use. While none of them are experts yet, they are making great progress. At the end of the day, I introduced the very beginning of defending a double leg takedow so they will be ready to score both offensively and defensively.

Just before calling it a night, I read 1st Corinthians 9:24-27 to the guys. In that passage, Paul speaks of runners striving to win the prize, but they must follow the rules of the game in order to win. Paul spent his life traveling around Asia Minor telling people about Jesus, and he uses the running analogy to explain the importance of hard work and discipline both in his life and in his preaching of the gospel.

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